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Radiative Heat Transfer de Michael F. Modest
Descripción - CrÃticas Jennifer X. Wen, Kingston University, UK:'This book can simply be summed up as the 'bible' for thermal radiation and its calculation methods.''I expect to see it on the bookshelf of every university and major research laboratory.''Because of the level of details the book has gone into in each specific topic, this book will be especially suitable for occasions where students are expected to read extensively outside the classroom as part of the syllabus.'Andrei Fedorov, Georgia Tech:'The book is up-to-date and provides excellent coverage.''Excellent writing style with nice historical highlights. The most important asset of the book is its clear and consistent notation used throughout the manuscript. It is probably the most comprehensive treatment of the topic that is currently in existence. It has up-to-date bibliography and very sound treatment of electromagnetism foundation of thermal radiation.' Peter Wong, Tufts University:'Modest has compiled together a comprehensive and detailed understanding in thermal radiative heat transfer for graduate students and practicing engineers.'Yildiz Bayazitoglu, Rice University:'Very much up to date and has a good selection of topics.''Comprehensive, detailed, but simplified.''The author presented the radiative heat transfer and its interactions with other modes of heat transfer in a coherent and integrated manner emphasizing the fundamentals...The book is directed towards the graduate level students as well as towards the scientists and engineers already engaged in subject matter.' Reseña del editor The third edition of Radiative Heat Transfer describes the basic physics of radiation heat transfer. The book provides models, methodologies, and calculations essential in solving research problems in a variety of industries, including solar and nuclear energy, nanotechnology, biomedical, and environmental. Every chapter of Radiative Heat Transfer offers uncluttered nomenclature, numerous worked examples, and a large number of problems?many based on real world situations?making it ideal for classroom use as well as for self-study. The book's 24 chapters cover the four major areas in the field: surface properties; surface transport; properties of participating media; and transfer through participating media. Within each chapter, all analytical methods are developed in substantial detail, and a number of examples show how the developed relations may be applied to practical problems. Extensive solution manual for adopting instructors Most complete text in the field of radiative heat transfer Many worked examples and end-of-chapter problems Large number of computer codes (in Fortran and C++), ranging from basic problem solving aids to sophisticated research tools Covers experimental methods Contraportada Radiative Heat Transfer, Third Edition is a comprehensive reference for scientists, engineers, and graduate students working in the field of heat transfer and thermal radiation. This new edition has been updated to include significant advances and the emergence of new research topics over the last decade. Acknowledged in the field as the industry standard resource for radiative heat transfer, the third edition provides basic physics and computational tools, such as models, methodologies, and calculations that are of pivotal importance in energy, combustion, aeronautics, nanotechnology, lighting, and environmental applications. Written in modular fashion, the new edition of Radiative Heat Transfer is now divided into 24 chapters, offering complete coverage comprising the four major areas in the field: surface properties; surface transport; properties of participating media; and transfer through participating media. Each chapter shows the development of all analytical methods in substantial detail, aided by numerous examples and chapter-end problems to show how the developed relations may be applied in practice. This makes the new edition an ideal resource for classroom use, for self-study, as well as for reference. The updated and expanded third edition features: • An all-new chapter on nanoscale radiative heat transfer • Significant new developments in conventional radiative transfer equation (RTE) solution methods • Greatly expanded coverage of statistical RTE (Monte Carlo) solutions • Significant new information on inverse radiation • More computational methods and up-to-date computer codes, now with many in Matlab® versions • Significant new developments in spectral radiation properties and models, including nonequilibrium • Discussion of modern applications and materials, including interaction with conduction, convection, combustion and turbulence • Available solutions manual to adopting instructors and student materials BiografÃa del autor Shaffer and George Professor of Engineering School of EngineeringUniversity of California, Merced
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Radiative Heat Transfer
- Autor: Michael F. Modest
- Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnologÃa y medicina,TecnologÃa e ingenierÃa
- Tamaño del archivo: 17 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Descargada: 253 times
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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Radiative Heat Transfer: Second Edition / Request PDF ~ Request PDF / Radiative Heat Transfer: Second Edition / The most comprehensive and detailed treatment of thermal radiation heat transfer available for graduate students, as well as senior .
Radiative Heat Transfer - Michael F. Modest - Google Books ~ The most comprehensive and detailed treatment of thermal radiation heat transfer available for graduate students, as well as senior undergraduate students, practicing engineers and physicists is enhanced by an excellent writing style with nice historical highlights and a clear and consistent notation throughout. Modest presents radiative heat transfer and its interactions with other modes of .
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Chapter 12: Radiation Heat Transfer - University of Waterloo ~ Chapter 12: Radiation Heat Transfer Radiation differs from Conduction and Convection heat t transfer mechanisms, in the sense that it does not require the presence of a material medium to occur. Energy transfer by radiation occurs at the speed of light and suffers no attenuation in vacuum.
Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer Fourth Edition Book – PDF ~ This extensively revised 4th edition provides an up-to-date, comprehensive single source of information on the important subjects in engineering radiative heat transfer. It presents the subject in a progressive manner that is excellent for classroom use or self-study, and also provides an annotated reference to literature and research in the field.
Radiative heat transfer book pdf - WordPress ~ Radiative heat transfer book pdf The online version of Radiative Heat Transfer by Michael F. Modest on ScienceDirect, the worlds leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text books. radiative heat transfer book Entitled to full text.From the first edition of A Heat Transfer Textbook in 1981, this book was meant to.
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Radiation Heat Transfer - an overview / ScienceDirect Topics ~ Heat transfer from a body with a high temperature to a body with a lower temperature, when bodies are not in direct physical contact with each other or when they are separated in space, is called heat radiation [1], as schematically shown in Fig. 3.1.All physical substances in solid, liquid, or gaseous states can emit energy via a process of electromagnetic radiation because of vibrational and .
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Radiative Heat Transfer: Modest, Michael F.: 9780123869449 ~ The third edition of Radiative Heat Transfer describes the basic physics of radiation heat transfer. The book provides models, methodologies, and calculations essential in solving research problems in a variety of industries, including solar and nuclear energy, nanotechnology, biomedical, and environmental.
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Radiative heat transfer (eBook, 2013) [WorldCat] ~ The third edition of Radiative Heat Transfer describes the basic physics of radiation heat transfer. The book provides models, methodologies, and calculations essential in solving research problems in a variety of industries, including solar and nuclear energy, nanotechnology, biomedical, and environmental.
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Radiative Heat Transfer / ScienceDirect ~ The third edition of Radiative Heat Transfer describes the basic physics of radiation heat transfer. The book provides models, methodologies, and calculations essential in solving research problems in a variety of industries, including solar and nuclear energy, nanotechnology, biomedical, and environmental.
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Radiative Heat Transfer: Modest, Michael and Modest, M. F ~ Modest presents radiative heat transfer and its interactions with other modes of heat transfer in a coherent and integrated manner emphasizing the fundamentals. Numerous worked examples, a large number of problems, many based on real world situations, and an up-to-date bibliography make the book especially suitable for independent study.
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Radiative heat transfer - MIT OpenCourseWare ~ Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2K] Flow dependent • Natural Convection • Forced Convection Thermal Radiation T hot T cold • Stefan-Boltzmann Law for Blackbody Q& =AσT4 Stefan-Boltzmann Constant σ=5.67x10-8 W/m2K4 • Heat transfer (4 4) Q& = AFεσT hot −T cold Emissivity of two surfaces View factor F=1 for two parallel .